
You will hear a man talking about leadership

You will hear a man talking about leadership. On the radio, you hear a man discussing a cartoon film about dinosaurs. Why is he angry? A There is a problem with his suit. What will they do at the weekend? 6 You hear a man and a woman talking about a new clothes shop they have visited. 19 ticket. B He finds getting ready for them very tiring. I was hoping to get one earlier as 7 Where are the man and the woman talking? Woman: It’s a bit crowded isn’t it … worse than a football match! Can you see well enough from here? Man: It doesn’t matter – as long as I can hear and get down the important points of what he says, it’s OK. He offered to save two for me. 19 You will hear one of the staff at a zoo giving a talk. B The place wasn’t as interesting as he’d expected. The man took the object to a museum because A he thought it might be valuable. 1 You will hear a man on the radio talking about his son. How did he feel after the match? M: I had been waiting for that match for a month. How did she become better at it? A with the help of her mother B through practising on her own C by watching cooking shows. Speaker 1. 1 You hear a man talking about planting flower seeds in his garden. B he decided to record his find. 2 You hear a woman telling her friend about a jewellery-making course she did. Man: David told me he had the pasta. 4 You hear two people talking about a bus service. Hebrews 13:7 ESV 9. Man: I haven’t been to this café before. B costs too much. I had trained really hard. B It took a long time to write. 19 You will hear a man talking about his hobbies. What does she think about this? A She is glad it will not take place. What does he say about interviews? A He gets bored answering the same questions. C he was disturbed by the traffic. She says professional ballet dancers today 4 You hear a man talking about a holiday. 13 You hear two friends talking about their plans for the weekend. If you’re looking for a sale or for something unusual, don’t forget our Thursday ‘Special Buy’ day where you’ll find some great offers. 1 What is the man’s problem? A Nobody will listen to his complaints at work. 5 You hear a woman talking about buying a clock on the Internet. 1 You hear a restaurant manager talking about the cooks who work for him. How does he feel about it? A satisfied with his level of expertise B concerned about doing a dangerous sport C proud when he copes with difficult conditions 2. You hear a man talking about healthy eating. Listen and complete questions 1-5 You will hear the conversation twice. C She approves of their attitudes. And we’ve read about how essential leadership is for 17 You will hear a man talking to his friend on the phone. However, after a few weeks I got a job further away from home, and I realised it was the wrong car for long journeys; it was too noisy, there wasn’t enough leg room 12 You hear two friends talking about a new cafe that has opened. 5 You hear a film director talking about the actors she works with. Listening Part 2 Questions 8-13. 7 You hear a girl talking about a school visit to a recording studio. 12 You will hear a man talking to a colleague about a hotel he stayed in. Audioscripts. . Man: Cool. How does this new bag differ from others? A It has pockets on the side. C There are some extra features. Matthew 20:25-28 ESV 4. What is he telling them? A They are playing against a bad team. In the exam, you have 45 seconds to look at Part 2. Woman: I’ve got it – we could watch it together. C The film was hard to watch in places. 18 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about work. What does he particularly like about 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 A. I didn’t want to go to university, so when I finished school I went and got a job. for the money, b. What does he say about it? A It wasn’t worth the money he’d paid. I’m free on Friday. C Practice is going to be longer today. Instructions. What did she eat? Man: Did you enjoy your meal last night? Woman: It was delicious. Where did they go? A They went skiing in the mountains. Ephesians 4:11-14 ESV Final Thoughts: Leadership Bible Verses From as early as the Old Testament, the Bible has spoken about leaders. The pass mark for this exam is 70% or over. docx from ENGL 207 at Sonoma State University. B He lost all his money. C the meals were good. 12 You will hear two friends talking about a film and its soundtrack. B Other people might appreciate it. 2 You hear a woman talking about a 4 You hear two friends talking about a website. Peter 5:2, NIV 5. 4 You hear a man and a woman talking about a hotel they have recently stayed at. What are you listening to? A a history programme B a science-fiction story C an advertisement You hear a man talking about a project being launched in a group of small Atlantic islands. B you can submit more than one entry. On weekdays, a visit to the park costs. Sifting through the words that paint the most honest picture. The old, print-friendly test Part 1 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. 5 You hear a retired ballerina comparing dancers today with dancers in the past. Jul 25, 2016 · Peter takes us on a whistle stop tour of leadership in the last 16 centuries and tells us why everything you ever need to know about leadership comes down to 12 of the best TED Talks on leadership. First you have some time to look at Questions 11-15. In my experience, quite a few people think it’s limiting and that ideas can be expressed much more easily in prose – you know, ordinary written language. Woman: Yes, I know. = You will hear a man who talks about a children’s competition. B It should be re-arranged for a later date. … and Alvin Major’s guests tonight include the singer ‘Lolita’, the ghost writer Peter Miller and Bobby Antonio, then after the 9 o’clock news, Penelope Parchment has a particularly difficult case to solve when one of her house guests goes missing … and can Penelope 3 You hear an author talking about his new book. B The young actors were talented. 1 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV 6. C Its specialist advice is interesting. Question 2 You will hear a student talking about her 19 E 20 A 21 D 22 B 23 F. PART 1 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. 8 You will hear two friends talking about a dance performance. Nov 13, 2023 · We’ve journeyed through the landscape of leadership together. 5 You hear a woman talking about an old camera. 6 You hear a man talking about his first job interview. B for the excitement . See full list on listenaminute. You hear a woman talking to her doctor. B They have a choice of jobs. What does the man say about it? A It is frequent. You You will hear three different extracts. 2. 7 You hear a man and woman talking about a flat they are considering renting. C They went to the gym to do some exercise. in a car. What does the girl think about it? A It is less helpful than she’d hoped. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C). Woman: I’m going to the library after this. You will hear people talking in eight different situations. Why does she want to see it? A to have a better understanding of the novel it is based on B because her friends have recommended it C because she likes action films. 1. B It is cheap. C They help to decide the menu. As a leader, you might feel like you must have all the answers and sufficient belief in a mission to always stay positive. For each question, choose the correct answer. As a poet, I’m often asked what the value of poetry is. Why 9 You will hear two friends talking about a new café. 1 You hear a man talking about a book. B the price of the room was reasonable. com Dec 13, 2023 · In this article, the author outlines the eight most essential leadership qualities, according to Harvard Business School professor Linda Hill, one of the world’s top experts on leadership. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, В or C) which fits best according to what you hear. Well, the last time I went to the hospital was because I needed a medical certificate. What does she say about it? 6 You hear part of an interview with a young businessman. 11 You will hear two friends talking about a visit to the dentist. You will hear a man talking about Tanya Perry's life. It’d be a nice thing to do after a hard week of work. C He always enjoys the experience. How does the woman feel? A surprised B satisfied C relieved. Audioscript. View Listening_excercise_3. For each question, fill in the missing information in the text boxes given. for the challenge. What aspect of the film disappointed him? You hear a man talking to people at the beginning of a course. C The accommodation wasn’t as good as he’d been told. 19 You will hear a coach talking to his players. Jan 3, 2020 · 3. 2 You hear a man talking about a car journey he made recently. They described all the dishes on the menu You’ll hear a man called Paul Osborne giving a careers talk about his work as a computer game designer. And the staff are really friendly, too. Why does his son want to become a computer games designer? A for the money. Extract One. Man: Yes, I think we’ll be OK. His mother was unhappy about it because she didn’t A like his kind of music. 4 You hear a radio announcer talking about a competition for writers of short stories. You hear a young man talking about his hobby of rock climbing. My name’s Paul Osborne. C He always travels in business class. Answer the questions based on what you hear. 4 You hear a teacher talking to her students about some stories they have written. Man: The food is delicious, isn’t it? Woman: It’s lovely. Speaker: ⚫️ Simon SinekSimon Oliver Sinek is a British-American author and inspirational You will hear someone talking about trends in 21st century communication. He complains that A the rooms was too small for him. 4 You hear a man talking to his friend about the cookery school she runs. It’s only been open for a few weeks. 19 H 20 E 21 D 22 F 23 C. Why does his son want to become a computer games designer? Select one: a. You will hear two people talking about a problem at work. 3. C The dry cleaner’s didn’t give him his suit. I’m sure we’ll have enough time to prepare. Hi. C It is better than his first book. 1 You hear a man talking about flying long distance. C It is punctual. 30 pm/ 22:00. 18 You will hear a woman talking about cooking. Man: Some people still think that leaders are born, not made. It’s one thing to read about ‘great leadership’ and another to feel like you’re living it. They agree that the new coffee shop A has great variety. We’ve already learnt the basic steps, haven’t we? Jul 28, 2017 · You will hear a man talking about a children’s competition = You will hear a man who is talking about a children’s competition. You hear a girl talking about a recent holiday. 2 You hear a man talking about poetry. Man: Did you get the email? The date for the dance performance is 11 May. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, В or C). What does he suggest? eating a large breakfast; eating a sandwich for lunch; eating a big meal in the evening; 5. 3 You hear two students talking about a website. Man: Yes, they’re very cheerful and polite. Different services are available like exercises, videos, intensive courses, private classes, online tutor support, self evaluation and many others. B It is a good place to hold discussions. 30. B She admires the sacrifices they make. Titus 1:7-14 ESV 3. My parents said if I was in full-time education they’d give me an allowance, but if not I’d have to work. 20 You will hear a man talking to his friend about his neighbour. The man thinks that the website is A helpful. 17 You will hear a man talking about a basketball match. B They went to the stadium to watch a match. B You can take off the rain cover. 13 You will hear two passengers talking on an aeroplane. Man: It wasn’t difficult at all. Now listen again. Hebrews 13:17, NIV 2. B He now keeps business trips short. C easy to use. 3 You hear a man talking about a car he used to own. You will hear a man talk about a children’s competition. You You can also find Business concepts, grammar, Use Of English, Speaking elements, Street talk. Exodus 18:21 ESV 8. 2 You hear two friends talking about advertising. Man: What are you listening to on your phone? Woman: The soundtrack to that film, Smash. 18 Children’s Theatre / children’s theatre. The man says that one of the rules is that A you have to be over sixteen to enter. You will hear a man talking about a day trip. They agree that A the location was convenient. What did they see? You will hear a man called Dan Pearman, talking on the radio about Pedal Power, a UK charity which sends bicycles to people in developing countries. 7 You hear two people talking. 19 D 20 B 21 G 22 C 23 E. I’d just been offered the job in Kuwait and they needed an official piece of paper from any qualified doctor saying that I had healthy lungs, heart, liver and good eyesight. for the excitement, c. There are two questions for each extract. B The time of the math has changed. I work as a designer in the computer-game industry. We’ve got three lessons before the big day. For questions 7–14, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. You will hear the extract TWICE. You will hear a man on the radio talking about his son. Woman: Welcome to Milburn’s. Woman: Nor have I. You will hear a man called David Briggs giving a talk about his work as a volunteer on a turtle conservation programme in Western Australia. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. 1 You hear a man talking about an ancient object he found in the ground. 6 You hear a woman talking about a concert being cancelled. 16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about a meal at a restaurant. Have you seen it? Man: Not yet. 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 B 8 A. I’m a keen gardener and there’s nothing I enjoy more than seeing everything I’ve planted coming up in spring. You will hear a man called John Dalin talking about the travel programmes he makes for television. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer A,B, or C. C Worse things happen in other shops. What does the man say about having a member of staff to welcome customers? A It seems like a worthwhile idea. 19 D 20 H 21 E 22 A 23 G. Which hobby has he stopped doing? You will hear people talking in eight different situations. You hear a man talking on the radio about a bag made for use on walking trips. B interesting. They say, no matter how hard you study and how many diplomas you collect, at the end of the day, if you’ve got natural skills, such as a strong character, that’s all you’ll need. What do they agree about it? A The plot was complicated. 1 Bible Verses about Leadership 1. C has poor service. But you also need to learn to collaborate, have rewarding conversations, and fuel your motivators. I know someone who has a job in the ticket office. What is the main objective of the project? A) To raise environmental awareness B) To encourage tourism in the islands C) To follow the movements of tides (Remember to read the question carefully – What is the main reason? All three are mentioned) 2. Talking is better because the continuous form indicates that the man will spend time in 2 You hear a man on TV talking about a programme on Tuesday night. You can play the recording TWO times. You cans also find a blog and a forum where students share english knowledge. How does he feel about it? A satisfied with his level of expertise B concerned about doing a dangerous sport C proud when he copes with difficult conditions. I got a sports car as soon as I could afford it, and it wasn’t really very economical, but I decided I could live with that. Want to be a LEADER? Listen to this INCREDIBLE speech by Simon Sinek. Man: What time’s your appointment at the dentist tomorrow? Woman: It’s the last one of the day at 5. What does he say about them? A They dislike cleaning tasks. What is his main point? $12. 8 You turn on the radio and hear a man speaking. C your entry must be emailed. 30 / 10. TED Talks are an excellent resource for this personal growth. In many respects there isn’t a great deal of difference between my previous job in a large insurance company and this one, certainly in terms of my duties, my chances of promotion and the salary, which remains just about adequate for my needs. C he wanted to know what it was. 18 You will hear two friends talking about last weekend. What does he think she might need? tablets to stay calm; a heart operation; new glasses; 4. Mar 4, 2020 · What makes a great leader? In this article we look at 30 of the best Ted Talks on leadership so you can learn from the best in the industry. Man: What did you have? Woman: Well, it was a steak restaurant, but there were other things on the menu, too, like fish and pasta. It was so tiring going to practice every day. My tour of the Highlands was just fantastic, and a great way to start off my year studying in Scotland. You might be sitting there, reflecting on your own leadership path, wondering if you’ve got what it takes. C She should have been told sooner. 4 You hear two friends talking about something they saw on TV. What does he say about it? A He still finds some trips challenging. John 13:13-17 ESV 7. B the location wasn’t what he expected. What point is he making about it? A It will be widely read. I want to get this report finished so I was worried every time I had to talk with him. 5 You hear a conversation about reading. 5 You hear a man talking about his decision to become a singer. I thought we could easily win. 17 10. Like a lot of my You will hear people talking in eight different situations. I swam in a freezing lake – stopped at the ruins of a medieval castle and chatted with the tour guide all the way home on the bus. How does she feel about the actors in her current film? A She sympathises with their problems. 1 You hear a girl talking about a new film. 14 pet 15 cleaners 16 magazine. 3 You hear two friends talking about a film they have just watched. ssf ddgdv jnlp prml cdcivd pvjsh bpqd auxnwlrj vemkywcq gqq